The Adventures of Grime Fighting

Although there is still snow on the ground, spring is coming (I promise). With the brighter days ahead, we all want to open those curtains and windows letting that fresh clean air breeze through our home. However, opening those windows could stir up the dust that has been collecting throughout the winter while bringing attention to the clutter you forgot you had. Why not start this spring off right? Let’s take a look at why spring cleaning is so beneficial and some tips for getting a jump start on your newly decluttered home.


Why Should We Spring Clean?  

Most people dread the thought of a deep cleaning for anything, but research has shown some surprising positive correlations between thoroughly cleaning your home and an improved daily life. Spring cleaning does more for you than improving the smell of your home. Here are just 6 benefits you will experience through the simple task of cleaning and organizing your home.

  1. How many times have you spent time searching for a needed item, spent money replacing that item, only to find it tucked away in that “put away” spot you forgot about. When you clean your home, it can be like Christmas in March. You tend to find things that you forgot you possessed. By taking the time to re-organize your home, you could save yourself time and money. Moreover, the rise in productivity within your home creates an environment filled with increased energy and a more positive mood.


  1. clean duckieWilliam Shakespeare reminded us that, “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” The time will come while you clean and organize your home, to determine if an item is still needed. Although we tend to want to keep everything, not everything should be kept. You can establish three piles for items as you go through the things in your home: Keep/Put Away, Trash, Donate/Sell/Give Away. Organization experts recommend that if you have not used something since last spring, or longer, maybe it is time to let it go. If you are like me, you hate to throw away something that is still useful (in some aspect). If it is time to part ways, but you believe the item is still useful, you could donate it, sell it, or give it to a friend.


  1. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) completed research noting the importance of spring cleaning and the direct correlation to a reduction of allergy symptoms. Although this is a great way to relieve allergy symptoms, everyone can benefit from decreased allergens in the air.
  1. Cleaning can make you happy. Yes, I know it is surprising, but researchers have found that the act of cleaning provides a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Thus, the achieved success of a clean home improves happiness. You should try putting on some of your favorite tunes and turn cleaning into a fun work out. Did you know that women could burn up to 1804 calories and men up to 2108 calories just by cleaning? Here is a cleaning calorie burning break down for you.


  1. Let’s be honest, we all feel better when the space around us is clean and functional. Cleaning has been shown to  reduce stress and has been viewed as therapeutic. Just remember the old phrase, “slow and steady wins the race.” Take a break if things become too much or overwhelming. The goal is not to win a race, but to find that de-cluttered balance in your home. Experts suggest that you should focus on one room at a time while cleaning. Becoming involved in trying to do to much in multiple rooms at one time will result in increased stress, decreased outcome, and hesitation in maintaining a clean home.


  1. Believe it or not, the act of thoroughly cleaning your home frees up brain space for other essential decision making tasks. In a study conducted by David Tolin, founder of America’s Anxiety Disorder Center at Hartford Hospital’s Institute of Living in Connecticut, a clutter filled home does more than just create a breeding ground for mold, dust, and debris; it wreaks havoc on the mental health and brain function of the individuals residing in the home. The study showed that those tested exhibited “stress overload” in the area of the brain that governs decision making (orbitofrontal cortex) when they were asked if they should throw away an item or keep it.


You have embraced the benefits of spring cleaning, completed the tasks needed to declutter your home, and now it’s time to reward yourself. You now can enjoy the warmer weather, get outside, and have fun without worrying about coming home to a messy cluttered filled home. Just kick back, relax, and have some friends over. You’ve earned it!

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